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16/10/2015 - New state-of-the-art premises in Letterkenny for SITA

SITA Announcement for Letterkenny 379 x 269 group

Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr. Ciaran Brogan and Mayor of Letterkenny MD Cllr. Gerry McMonagle attend the official opening of the new SITA facility in Letterkenny along with Minister for State Mr. Joe McHugh T.D. and SITA’s Senior Vice President Rene Azoulai 


The Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr Ciaran Brogan welcomes the news that SITA, the world's leading specialist in air transport communications and IT solutions, has moved to new state-of-the-art premises in Letterkenny. A team of 148 employees work at SITA in Letterkenny delivering technology that is used by the global air transport industry. Almost every airline and airport in the world is a SITA customer and nearly every passenger flight relies on SITA technology.


The new c. 2,100m2 building, over three floors, at the IDA Business & Technology Park, Carnamuggagh Lower, was officially opened yesterday by Minister of State Joe McHugh, TD.


SITA was established in Letterkenny in 2003 after it acquired the Irish software company Eland Technologies. SITA’s move from the Letterkenny Office Park at Windyhall to its new premises is designed to strategically position the company for its future operations in Donegal.


Cathaoirleach welcomes SITA move 379 x 269

Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Ciaran Brogan speaking at official opening of new SITA facility in Letterkenny 


Minister of State McHugh, who attended the official opening, said: “It’s great to see this global company thriving in Letterkenny to the extent that it has necessitated this move to these excellent new offices. It is also a great endorsement of Letterkenny and Donegal as an excellent and supportive environment for technology companies of this calibre. The North West is becoming a more attractive destination of choice for many individuals and families to move or return to Donegal, both in terms of a great place to work and equally a great place to live. I wish Rene and his team here in Letterkenny every success for the future.”


SITA’s team in Letterkenny delivers high value, high quality software architecture projects for SITA worldwide. These include solutions such as SITA Airport Management which is in use at 150 airports, across 48 countries and six continents; it keeps major international airports such as Boston, Los Angeles and Abu Dhabi running. The team in Donegal also develop SITA's world-leading biometric products which are used by Governments to control borders. SITA’s presence in Ireland also includes Aviareto, a joint venture with the Irish Government, which provides aircraft asset management to the air transport community employing a further       20 people in Dublin.


Speaking at today’s official opening, SITA’s Senior Vice President Rene Azoulai said: “SITA operates across the world and Ireland is key location for us. Over the past twelve years we have steadily grown our team here, building expertise. We have also taken in graduates and interns who are now full-time employees delivering world-class technology and supporting airlines and airports globally.


“Shortly we will open our intern and graduate recruitment campaign for 2016 when we will once again be seeking highly motivated and talented individuals who are keen to work on mission-critical systems for airlines and airports. It is a great opportunity to work with a multi-national technology company operating in one of the most exciting global industries.”


IDA Ireland’s Head of Content, Consumer & Business Services Division, Leo Clancy, said: “SITA’s move to new premises is great news, demonstrating the company’s commitment to Letterkenny and the Donegal region. SITA is a cutting-edge technology company and we are delighted that they have found the talent and capability in this region to create and grow an excellent, highly skilled software team.”


SITA currently has a small number of open positions for experienced software developers and will launch its 2016 graduate and intern program in the coming weeks. 



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